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- Anda juga mau ? Ok. Silahkan JOIN gan, GRATIS !, bahkan agan langsung dapet UangDownload sebesar Rp. 10.000,-. Habis itu agan-agan bisa download Software, Game, Script, Template, MP3, Video, eBook dan lain-lain sepuasnya ! Daftar link dan file yang bisa didownload tumbuh terus karena dapat sumbangan dari member-member lain ... dan bahkan juga dari agan sendiri !
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Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
penghasilan hingga ratusan juta bahkan sampai Rp. 7,5 milyar
Thursday, July 5, 2012
How to Make Money on the Internet
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Get Paid to Click Ads, Another Moneymaking Opportunity
Get Paid to Click Ads, Another Moneymaking Opportunity
is just as simple as it sounds. You are paid to click ads. Stop
getting annoyed whenever such an advertisement pops up and see the
positive side of it. Consider that whenever such a thing happens,
instead of a pop-up window, dollars appear. Now, all you have to do is
click on them, and the money is yours to spend. The more ads (dollars)
you click the more money you earn. It is not a scam, it is
advertising. The companies or persons that advertise afford to pay
people to click on their ads. The more people click, the more money
the company spends, but if one in a few people purchase their services
or products, the ads are profitable. Join other thousands of people who earn money online every second. It is almost too easy to be true.
View Click Make Money
Earnings Example»
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00»
Your daily earnings = $2.10» Your weekly earnings = $14.70»
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?
Join now and receive a $0.05 Sign-up Bonus
How can I get paid to click ads?
Simple! Register, follow a few guiding steps and there is nothing more to stop you from winning money online. Honestly, I must call it winning money, rather than working, because it is simply too easy to do. You are not required to leave the intimacy and comfort of your house. If you are a night person, this opportunity fits you like a glove because you make your own schedule. No traffic to beat, no competition to outrun, none of the negative aspects of a “regular job”, no stress. Just get paid to click ads. “Click’n’cash” could be your motto from now on. The more you click, the more you earn. You can work from every computer you want as long as it is connected to the Internet. Work from the beach or from the park if you want. You can make the money to buy a laptop in no time using a “get paid to click ads” program. Let everybody know about this opportunity. They might even pay you for this. Your life could be so much easier. Give it a shot. Your first paycheck is already knocking at your door.
View Click Make Money
View Click Make Money
Earnings Example»
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00»
Your daily earnings = $2.10» Your weekly earnings = $14.70»
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?
Join now and receive a $0.05 Sign-up Bonus
How can I get paid to click ads?
Simple! Register, follow a few guiding steps and there is nothing more to stop you from winning money online. Honestly, I must call it winning money, rather than working, because it is simply too easy to do. You are not required to leave the intimacy and comfort of your house. If you are a night person, this opportunity fits you like a glove because you make your own schedule. No traffic to beat, no competition to outrun, none of the negative aspects of a “regular job”, no stress. Just get paid to click ads. “Click’n’cash” could be your motto from now on. The more you click, the more you earn. You can work from every computer you want as long as it is connected to the Internet. Work from the beach or from the park if you want. You can make the money to buy a laptop in no time using a “get paid to click ads” program. Let everybody know about this opportunity. They might even pay you for this. Your life could be so much easier. Give it a shot. Your first paycheck is already knocking at your door.
View Click Make Money
Make Money at Home!
Make Money at Home!
This is a simple way for anyone to make money online! Even though you will earn much lesser than what you could through Adsense or affiliate marketing, this method is absolutely simple.
Its about a program where you have to click on the ads and you earn money for each click. It's called Bux.to. If you refer somebody to join Bux.to, then whatever money your referral earns by clicking on ads, you also earn. It doesn't need a website. And hence, It is the best way for anyone to make money online!
It seems like a making money overnight scheme to you, right? Let me tell you, I hate making money overnight schemes and I will never suggest anyone such schemes. Let me show you why Bux.to is not a get rich overnight scheme.
In Bux.to, you are paid 1 cent for clicking on 1 ad. You can click on 5-15 ads in a day only. In Bux.to you can transact the money to your account only when you have made $10. Can you imagine how many years it might take to reach the $10 mark if you are earning just 5 cents a day!
But, there's a better way! By collecting as many referrals as you can. As I told you, whatever your referrals will earn, you will also earn. If you collect about 15-20 referrals you can easily earn up to $1 a day. That means $30 a month.
But you need to work hard. Collecting referrals is not an easy job. But if you ask your friends, you cousins and family members to join, its not impossible to collect 20 referrals.
That is why I say, Bux.to is not a getting rich overnight scheme. You need to work hard.
Its about a program where you have to click on the ads and you earn money for each click. It's called Bux.to. If you refer somebody to join Bux.to, then whatever money your referral earns by clicking on ads, you also earn. It doesn't need a website. And hence, It is the best way for anyone to make money online!
It seems like a making money overnight scheme to you, right? Let me tell you, I hate making money overnight schemes and I will never suggest anyone such schemes. Let me show you why Bux.to is not a get rich overnight scheme.
In Bux.to, you are paid 1 cent for clicking on 1 ad. You can click on 5-15 ads in a day only. In Bux.to you can transact the money to your account only when you have made $10. Can you imagine how many years it might take to reach the $10 mark if you are earning just 5 cents a day!
But, there's a better way! By collecting as many referrals as you can. As I told you, whatever your referrals will earn, you will also earn. If you collect about 15-20 referrals you can easily earn up to $1 a day. That means $30 a month.
But you need to work hard. Collecting referrals is not an easy job. But if you ask your friends, you cousins and family members to join, its not impossible to collect 20 referrals.
That is why I say, Bux.to is not a getting rich overnight scheme. You need to work hard.
How Bux.to works
What is Bux.to
Bux.to is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our, “Surf Ads” page. A exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to our members. Bux.to makes money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other Bux.to members, just like a regular member does.
How you make money
You view websites in 30 second sessions via the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick sign or a red ‘X’. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01 and as premium member $0.0125 for the visit and the ‘X’ means you have not earned money for the visit. You’ll get red X’s when you have more than one website from the “Surf Ads” page open. When this happens, you get no credit.
A valuable benefit to both the members and the advertisers is the repeat exposure that the advertiser gets. Whenever you click and view a website, you can visit that website again in 24 hours as long as the visit cap hasn’t been reached. That’s right! After 24 hours you can click and view the website again. This gives the advertiser optimal exposure by using “repeat advertising” and it further increases the members earning potential.
There are two different type accounts:
- A Free Member
To be a member free of charge, visit BUX.To
-A Premium Member
To be a premium member, you must pay $59.00 for a year.
- Surf Ads guaranteed loaded with minimum 20 ads every Day!- Earn $0.0125 each click and $0.0125 each click from your referrals.- Priority Payments.
To be a premium member, visit BUX.To
Earnings example (based on current averages)
Free Member»
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10»
20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00»
Your daily earnings = $2.10»
Your weekly earnings = $14.70»
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Premium Member
You click 20 ads per day = $0.25»
25 premium referrals click 20 ads per day = $6.25»
Your monthly earnings = $195.00»
Your total annual earnings = $2,340.00
Like a another PTC program, we need to find referrals to earn more money. In Bux.to, there are two ways to get more referrals.
They are :
1. Bulid a site about Bux and write a review of the program or suggest it as a recommend program to use. Then advertise it though various methods such as submit your site to Web Directories, link exchanges, write articles, Submit Press Releases, write content that is worth reading to forums putting your link donw the bottom and also write to meassage boards these are all brillant free advertising techniques that work well for me.
2. Purchase a member from Bux.to.
- Purchase 15 Members for $16.98
- Purchase 35 Members for $34.95 and save 10%
- Purchase 100 Members for $98.00 ($5.00 Cashback Bonus)
- Limited! 500 un-referred members!
How do I get paid?
If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request. Currently, we only make payments via PayPal. We will soon be using other methods of payment.
When do I get paid?
You can request for payment once you’re account balance is at least $10.00. Your payment will be processed and issued via PayPal within 30 business days. You can only request one payment at the time.
What is PayPal?
PayPal is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your PayPal address is the e-mail address you use to register with PayPal. You can get a free PayPal account at http://paypal.com.
Why did I get paid less then what I was owed?
If you have a business account with PayPal, they charge a 2.9% transfer fee plus an additional $0.30 base fee when you receive funds.Note. For beginner, take a free member. If you dare, purchase a referral package or Premium package.
Bux.to is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our, “Surf Ads” page. A exact calculated percentage of all advertising revenue is paid to our members. Bux.to makes money via advertising, other advertising sources throughout the website as well as earning through direct sponsorship of other Bux.to members, just like a regular member does.
How you make money
You view websites in 30 second sessions via the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick sign or a red ‘X’. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01 and as premium member $0.0125 for the visit and the ‘X’ means you have not earned money for the visit. You’ll get red X’s when you have more than one website from the “Surf Ads” page open. When this happens, you get no credit.
A valuable benefit to both the members and the advertisers is the repeat exposure that the advertiser gets. Whenever you click and view a website, you can visit that website again in 24 hours as long as the visit cap hasn’t been reached. That’s right! After 24 hours you can click and view the website again. This gives the advertiser optimal exposure by using “repeat advertising” and it further increases the members earning potential.
There are two different type accounts:
- A Free Member
To be a member free of charge, visit BUX.To
-A Premium Member
To be a premium member, you must pay $59.00 for a year.
- Surf Ads guaranteed loaded with minimum 20 ads every Day!- Earn $0.0125 each click and $0.0125 each click from your referrals.- Priority Payments.
To be a premium member, visit BUX.To
Earnings example (based on current averages)
Free Member»
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10»
20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00»
Your daily earnings = $2.10»
Your weekly earnings = $14.70»
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Premium Member
You click 20 ads per day = $0.25»
25 premium referrals click 20 ads per day = $6.25»
Your monthly earnings = $195.00»
Your total annual earnings = $2,340.00
Like a another PTC program, we need to find referrals to earn more money. In Bux.to, there are two ways to get more referrals.
They are :
1. Bulid a site about Bux and write a review of the program or suggest it as a recommend program to use. Then advertise it though various methods such as submit your site to Web Directories, link exchanges, write articles, Submit Press Releases, write content that is worth reading to forums putting your link donw the bottom and also write to meassage boards these are all brillant free advertising techniques that work well for me.
2. Purchase a member from Bux.to.
- Purchase 15 Members for $16.98
- Purchase 35 Members for $34.95 and save 10%
- Purchase 100 Members for $98.00 ($5.00 Cashback Bonus)
- Limited! 500 un-referred members!
How do I get paid?
If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request. Currently, we only make payments via PayPal. We will soon be using other methods of payment.
When do I get paid?
You can request for payment once you’re account balance is at least $10.00. Your payment will be processed and issued via PayPal within 30 business days. You can only request one payment at the time.
What is PayPal?
PayPal is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your PayPal address is the e-mail address you use to register with PayPal. You can get a free PayPal account at http://paypal.com.
Why did I get paid less then what I was owed?
If you have a business account with PayPal, they charge a 2.9% transfer fee plus an additional $0.30 base fee when you receive funds.Note. For beginner, take a free member. If you dare, purchase a referral package or Premium package.
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